miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

A lucky guy

This story about an 18-year-old guy, who used to do a lot of damage to people in different ways, but one situation made him change the way he was. Jorge was a typical and handsome guy in high school who used to have everything he wanted. He liked to bother and scoff of his classmates, that action made him feel better, that means he felt better person than other people. For that reason his classmates did not like to be with him, they got away from him. Jorge had just some “friends” in his classroom, they were like him, they hurt people. Jorge did not live alone; he lived with his family, his parents and his 2 brothers. The relationship between them was not very good at all. Jorge and his parents did not talk a lot, because he did not like to spend time with them, he ignored them all the time. And the relation with his brothers was better than with his parents, because they shared tastes, although Jorge bothered them too. This guy thought that he was the best person of this world, for that reason he acted in that way, he was closed to meet people.     

In school there are always people that go unnoticed. That was the case of Victoria a quiet girl apparently, but she was not, she used to have funny times with her friends. Victoria was the same age as Jorge; also she was in the same grade as him although in another classroom. She dressed in a normal way, not too nerd neither too modern.   Victoria loved to spend time with her family and friends, she really enjoyed being with them. She was the opposite of Jorge; she was a good person who respected people. Also she had good sincere friends. She liked to meet new people.

At school Jorge did not notice the existence of Victoria; he was just focused on pretty and thin girls. And for her he was just another stupid guy with a plastic brain. But everything started changing when Jorge was drawing his seat. The teacher noticed what he was doing and she gave him a punishment, it was to stay after class organizing Christmas festival with Victoria. For him that kind of activity was a waste of time. On the other hand Victoria thought that organizing the festival was the best. The first day they were together was a disaster, because he wanted to do what he want, he did not listen Victoria´s opinions. Jorge was always trying to annoy Victoria, but she ignored him every time he bothered her. Over the time Jorge noticed that Victoria was not like the other girls. Other girls were always trying to catch Jorge’s attention. But with Victoria was different, Jorge realized that Victoria did not care what he said. After time they enjoyed spending time together, they had fun moments sharing their good and bad experiences. They became good friends organizing the festival which was very successful. Victoria started thinking that Jorge was not very bad at all.

After some days then mentioned festival had passed, they were not together anymore. One day Victoria was out of her classroom and she saw Jorge with his friends she was walking to him because she wanted to talk to him, but he noticed Victoria was walking to him he turned around and went away. Victoria got too angry; she could not believe what she had seen. She felt really bad because she thought Jorge had become a good person, but he had not. So Victoria decided to not looking for him anymore. Jorge noticed Victoria´s attitude and he tried to talk to her, but she did not want to listen. That day Jorge was leaving at school when suddenly a bus appeared in front of him after that moment he did not know what happened until he woke up after some hours of the accident.

The first person that Jorge saw was his mom; he started crying in that moment. He was afraid because he almost died in the accident. He stayed in the hospital 3 weeks due to he got a hip fracture, so he had a surgery. The recovery was very hard and slow because Jorge could not walk the first 2 months. He started walking in the 3rd month after the accident with the help of a walker and a cane. It was 5 months recovery, during that time Jorge matured. All the time he was in bed and he started analyzing his life. Jorge realized that he had done a lot of damage due to his bad attitude. In addition he felt really bad because he did not take advantage of the good things that he had, like his family and his friend Victoria. She was with him all the time of the recovery. His “friends” did not support him during the recovery process, in that moment he knew who was the people who really loved him. Since that situation Jorge started taking advantage of what he had, also he valued his family and the girl who stole his heart, Victoria. Up to now they are together living a beauty relationship. At the age of 24 year old, Jorge and Victoria are planning their dreamed wedding. He was a guy with luck. 

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Physical beauty vs. Inner beauty

“Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, etc. that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction” (Wikipedia). There are beauty and inner beauty. Those are the two types of beauty that exist in people´s life. Both of them are very different, for that reason they do not have anything in common

First of all physical beauty is an aspect that you can see. According to scientific research, "physical beauty was usually defined to a person had symmetrical the face structure"(Recomparison).  Due to that, people are able to admire visually the physical beauty in a person. On the other hand, inner beauty is a concept related to the intellect and positive aspects that a person has inside. That is the first difference between physical beauty and inner beauty.

The second difference is the length of each beauty. Physical beauty will not last forever. Good looking people start becoming old over the years, so the characteristics that make them pretty start to deteriorate. Moreover, inner beauty as you know involves good manners in a person, for that reason it is good that personality of people will not end. Those kinds of beauty have another difference, the length. 

Both beauties are very different and sometimes they are not together in a person. Physical beauty is an important aspect that people can take into account when they want to find love. But not all the pretty people have good manners; most of the good looking people are very rude, so they are not nice at all. When a person has an agreeable behavior, it does not matter if he/she is dandified. Physical and inner beauties are not always one.

There are a lot of differences between physical and inner beauty, but just some of them were mentioned. One may be beautiful from the outside, but beauty lies within the person. It is more important the way you are than the way you look, it does not essential physical beauty in a person; it is better if people have good manners.  

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Movie Review

Name of the film:  1973
Director: Antonio Isordia
Awards: Best director in the 20th International Festival
Imaginative title: Broken dream
Type of film:  Drama
Principal characters: Rodolfo Escogido Rodríguez, María Fernanda Ramos Macín, and Alejandro Cota.

The movie was a documentary about the life of three people Rodolfo Escogido Rodríguez, María Fernanda Ramos Macín, and Alejandro Cota. Although they share the same birth year, they have different lifestyles. The documentary shows how despite they belong to the same generation, everyone has lived totally different experiences. The characters of the documentary share the difficulties and felicity of their lives. The documentary is very good because it describes real stories not fantasy, and while you are watching it you are involved by different feelings. Two stories of the movie show how the government really is, and you realize that Mexico is not as it is painted; it shows the reality of Mexico. 

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Death Penalty

Is death penalty a fair punishment? In Mexico delinquency has been increasing during the last years, for that reason people feel insecure when they go out to the streets. Mexico society has demanded immediate intervention of authorities, to prevent crime and punish criminals. Due to that, authorities have thought about the idea of applying death penalty to murderers, hijackers, thieves, etc, as in other countries. But death penalty is not a good punishment for some reasons.
It is not assured that, with Death Penalty delinquency will end. Criminals will not learn the lesson if Death Penalty is applied. According to the president of the College of Catholic Lawyers in Mexico, Armando Martinez, “Crime can be reduced through education and building a society in which the rule of law is respected”. And I support that idea, if people have education, they will respect the rules of the society.  “The death penalty is punishment upon punishment, that is, we would be falling into vengeance, and when will it end? If you kill a criminal, there will be a sense of hatred and vengeance and it will be a circle that never ends,” Martinez argued. That point is very important because it will become a string of murders. Capital punishment on Mexico cannot achieve anything if there is no education.
Another important point that makes me be against of  the Death Penalty is that there are some human rights that mention important aspects about life. If authorities apply Death penalty to criminals, they will be contradicting Human Rights; because, it means to violate an essential privilege, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” that is enshrined in “The universal declaration of Human Rights”. It would not be fair for any human being if authorities apply death penalty. Also death penalty means to deprive someone to live, and it is not fair because everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Those two civil liberties are the most important rights that mention essential aspects related to the right to live.
There are many people who think that be against Death penalty means defend criminals, but it is not correct. To be in opposition to that kind of punishment, it is not the same to protect offenders, it means to not act like one of them. If people support the idea about Death penalty, they will be doing the same as a criminal, because they want to kill. Death penalty will not eliminate violence. If authorities act applying Death Penalty they will not achieve anything. People do not have to combat violence with more violence; it becomes dangerous for the society. William Bowers of Northeastern University, maintain that the death penalty has the opposite effect: that is, society is brutalized by the use of the death penalty, and this increases the likelihood of more murder.  
As a conclusion, Death Penalty is not a good way to punish criminals. Authorities and society have to think how to stop delinquency, because it is increasing so fast. Mexico needs to do something to finish with the criminal behavior of the people. In my opinion it is necessary to increase the level of the education in Mexico, because it is the root of a lot of problems. As it was mentioned Death Penalty cannot solve delinquency problems. In addition if it is applied authorities would not respect human rights.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

A new experience

Have you ever lived an amazing experience? In my life good and interesting situations have appeared. One of them was my trip to Nuevo Vallarta. That travel was involved by great things, and everything started when I arrived there. In the hotel there were a lot of foreign people, but I paid attention in just one of them.

While my family and I were waiting to get the room, I was watching every thing around me, how the foreign people spoke another language. Also how people got stressed because they did not get their rooms. At that moment I felt very relaxed hearing the sound of the waves, when suddenly since the place where I was, I could notice a handsome guy swimming in the pool. I started to feel very strange; I could smell every single flower, although I did not know the name of each one of them. My stomach began to make strange sounds; I started to feel butterflies in it.

When I noticed his existence, I wanted to know where his room was; so I tried many things to find him because I wanted to see him the whole day. I know that it could be a crazy situation but I really enjoyed watching him.  At the moment I realized where his room was, it was embarrassing. My cousins and I were going upstairs to change our clothes, were dancing and laughing when suddenly the handsome guy appeared in front of us. I did not move, because I got really nervous, he said hi and kept walking. At that moment I detected that the room in front of mine belonged to him.  I felt very bad because he watched me acting ridiculously.   

I had a great conversation with the attractive foreign boy and it was the best of my trip. Everything started after his greeting. The last night of my trip my cousins and I went to dance, there, the handsome guy was, but he stayed just few minutes in the night club. My cousins and I were very tired, so we decided going out of the night club to go to sleeping.  We were walking when unexpectedly the good- looking guy appeared with another guy, in front of us.  They started asking about our names and our lives, in English. At that moment I felt really thankful with God because I could understand them. The guy who I liked talked with me; I did not want to go to sleeping, while we were talking I felt great, I did not care anything, because I was really enjoying talking with him, we were laughing and sharing experiences about our lives. It was an amazing event for me.    

To conclude, I really enjoyed my trip to Nuevo Vallarta, for many reasons. But the most important was meeting a handsome foreign guy. It was important because I could practice my English skills with the guy that I liked. I felt very proud of myself. I could not believe that he was very interested in meeting me; it was like a dream, because it happened so fast. Although it was an adventure of just one night, it was an amazing, wonderful, interesting and new experience for me. 

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

My evolution in electronic literacy

Is technology a necessity in the society? Nowadays technology has become an important entertainment and mass medium around the world like the use of computers, cell phones, digital cameras, etc. Electronic tools are a necessity in my life due to they have helped me in some ways. Electronic literacy has had a meaningful evolution  on me because it has been very helpful since I started using electronic tools until now; in my development as an English teacher. And it will be beneficial in my future as a teacher.
I started using electronic tools some years ago. The first time I used a computer was in my childhood just playing some games or drawing; it was funny to do those activities. The use of computer was not common in my life until I went to junior high school due to I had in a computing class. There, I started using only word processors suchs as word, power point, excel, etc. Even, at that age I did not know the meaning of internet. I knew the internet existed, but I did not know how to use it until a friend created me a messenger account in high school just for having fun and entertainment. My experience with electronic tools started not long ago, starting to use them provoked a huge impact on me. 
Nowadays, for me electronic tools are vital due to school; in addition, they have helped me to improve my L2. I have had some new experiences in the use of technology the last two years. For example: the language exchange was a great experience, it helped me to develop my listening and speaking skills; also, to know about different cultures. At this time; I have noticed the existence of blogs where my classmates and I work lately in some subjects, it is interesting to have one because you can learn from different points of view of other people and share your opinions. Social networks like messenger or facebook are very useful too, by the reason of I keep in contact with native speakers. Electronic literacy has influenced during my English learning process in many ways for the reason that I have been using it since my major started.
In the future, I would like to keep up knowing about electronic tools because technology will be changing. Technology will help me to improve my skills according with the L2; additionally it will relief me to develop my abilities to become a good teacher, because I could get ideas of how to do an interesting class. Also in my future I want to continue using social networks to keep in contact with foreign family and friends, or even to meet new people. As a future teacher I will have the opportunity to actualize myself with the new electronic tools that are going to appear, they will help me to improve as a teacher and as a speaker of L2.
Technology has had a huge advance during the last years in my life and it has been very useful and helpful for me in some aspects. Electronic tools have become an important resource by cause of the school. hey have been useful to communicate with my family and friends and also to develop my speaking, listening, grammar, and reading skills in the second language. I started just painting and playing in the computer, but nowadays the use of technology has brought me a lot of benefits like the improvement of English; also it will help me in the future to be a good teacher because I can be better prepared and go up with updatings related with education.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

My evolution in electronic literacy

Is technology a necessity in the society? Nowadays technology has become an important mass of media and entertainment around the world like the use of computers, cell phones, digital cameras, etc. Electronic tools are a necessity in my life due to they have helped me in some ways. Electronic literacy had has a meaningful evolution  on me because it has been very helpful since I started using electronic tools until now, in my development as an English teacher; and it will be beneficial in my future as a teacher.
I started using electronic tools some years ago. The first time I used a computer was in my childhood just playing some games or drawing; it was funny to do those activities. The use of computer was not common in my life until I went to junior high school due to I had in a computing class. There, I started using only word processors suchs as word, power point, excel, etc. Even, at that age I did not know the meaning of internet. I knew the internet existed, but I did not know how to use it until a friend created me a messenger account in high school just for having fun and entertainment. My experience with electronic tools started not long ago, starting to use them provoked a huge impact on me. 
Nowadays, for me electronic tools are vital due to school; in addition, they have helped me to improve my L2. I have had some new experiences in the use of technology the last two years. For example: the language exchange was a great experience, it helped me to develop my listening and speaking skills, also to know about different cultures. At this time; I have noticed the existence of blogs where my classmates and I work lately in some subjects, it is interesting to have one because you can learn from different points of view of other people and share your opinions. Social networks like messenger or facebook are very useful too, by the reason of I keep in contact with native speakers. Electronic literacy has influenced during my English learning process in many ways for the reason that I have been using it since my major started.
In the future, I would like to keep up knowing about electronic tools because technology will be changing. Technology will help me to improve my skills according with the L2; additionally it will relief me to develop my abilities to become a good teacher, because I could get ideas of how to do an interesting class. Also in my future I want to continue using social networks to keep in contact with foreign family and friends, or even to meet new people. As a future teacher I will have the opportunity to actualize myself with the new electronic tools that are going to appear, they will help me to improve as a teacher and as a speaker of L2.
Technology has had a huge advance during the last years in my life and it has been very useful and helpful for me in some aspects. Electronic tools have become an important resource by cause of the school. They have been useful to communicate with my family and friends and also to develop my speaking, listening, grammar, and reading skills in the second language. I started just painting and playing in the computer, but actually the use of technology has brought me a lot of benefits like the improvement of English; also it will help me in the future to be a good teacher because I can be better prepared and go up with actualizations related with education.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


Who am I? I am Paula Cristina Abundes Mendoza, and people who know me, call me Paula. I am 20 years old; I was born the great day of August 13th, 1990, in the beautiful city of Aguascalientes, where I  live nowadays. I am studying ELT in UAA, I really enjoy the major and the university. Those aspects are just some information about me; in addition I would like that you know me more than now for that reason I will share other important aspects that are part of my life like my family, my personality, my likes and dislikes.

One of the most important aspects in my life is my family, they mean everything for me. The first people who saw me arrived to this world were my parents, Jose Luis and Maria Del Consuelo. I am so proud of them because of the love they give me and the incredible things that they have done for me. Furthermore my siblings are part of me too. Rafael was the next one after me; I enjoy being with him we have a great relation we are like friends. Andrea is the third one among my siblings and me. I have a close relation with her, although sometimes she gets angry because I bother her. My little sister is Mariana, the relationship between my sister and me is good, but sometimes she does not spend time with me because I joke with her, and she does not like that aspect of me. My dog belongs to my life too, its name is Pelucas, and I usually play with it in my free time. My family is very important for me, and I enjoy being with them, because I love them.

Every person has strengths and weaknesses, for that reason part of my personality will be written in the next lines. One of the strengths that characterize me, it is my friendliness. People who know me, describe me as a person who knows hear carefully to other and give good advices. In addition I try to be a good friend supporting my friends when they need me, they know that I will always be there for them. Patience is a word that describes me very well, for that reason it is another of my strengths. I am always tolerant with people; I try to understand them. Weaknesses in me are so notorious. The first weakness is my insecurity, and I am working on disappear it. That happens to me because I am always thinking about what people could say or think about me. Also my weak character is part of me. I show weakness when I have to say something or defend myself, but I do not say anything, because I get nervous, and sometimes people take advantage of that. Although I have good strengths in my life, weaknesses are part of me and are part of my personality.

To finish with my principal personality traits I will share my likes and dislikes. I really enjoy watching every kind of movies with my friends, but I prefer comedy movies. Besides I like to listen  to pop and R&B music, I usually listen to Rihanna, Lily Allen, Belanova, Playa Limbo, etc. Although in this time of my life I do not do any sport, I feel good doing exercise. I love to dance, all kind of music, except duranguense music. The last and the most important thing that I enjoy, it is spending time with my family it does not matter where we go, or what we do, we always have good moments together. On the other hand I have dislikes too. I hate to get up early, because then I get angry. Also I do not like to read, even though I know that it is really important to read. I detest to go to the grocery store when it is sunny, because then I get a headache. Those likes and dislikes are the ones that describe me very well.

To conclude, I know that I am not a perfect person I have strengths and weaknesses, but my family make me feel comfortable, I really love my life. I am so thankful with God, for the things that He gives me, the excellent family that I have and for the person that I am, because I have the essential to live, and I do not need anything, although there are aspects of me that I do not like. People could think that is something missing in my life, but I am sure that is not true, I am so happy with all that I have, and all the people who love me. Now you know a little bit more about me and my family.