viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

My evolution in electronic literacy

Is technology a necessity in the society? Nowadays technology has become an important entertainment and mass medium around the world like the use of computers, cell phones, digital cameras, etc. Electronic tools are a necessity in my life due to they have helped me in some ways. Electronic literacy has had a meaningful evolution  on me because it has been very helpful since I started using electronic tools until now; in my development as an English teacher. And it will be beneficial in my future as a teacher.
I started using electronic tools some years ago. The first time I used a computer was in my childhood just playing some games or drawing; it was funny to do those activities. The use of computer was not common in my life until I went to junior high school due to I had in a computing class. There, I started using only word processors suchs as word, power point, excel, etc. Even, at that age I did not know the meaning of internet. I knew the internet existed, but I did not know how to use it until a friend created me a messenger account in high school just for having fun and entertainment. My experience with electronic tools started not long ago, starting to use them provoked a huge impact on me. 
Nowadays, for me electronic tools are vital due to school; in addition, they have helped me to improve my L2. I have had some new experiences in the use of technology the last two years. For example: the language exchange was a great experience, it helped me to develop my listening and speaking skills; also, to know about different cultures. At this time; I have noticed the existence of blogs where my classmates and I work lately in some subjects, it is interesting to have one because you can learn from different points of view of other people and share your opinions. Social networks like messenger or facebook are very useful too, by the reason of I keep in contact with native speakers. Electronic literacy has influenced during my English learning process in many ways for the reason that I have been using it since my major started.
In the future, I would like to keep up knowing about electronic tools because technology will be changing. Technology will help me to improve my skills according with the L2; additionally it will relief me to develop my abilities to become a good teacher, because I could get ideas of how to do an interesting class. Also in my future I want to continue using social networks to keep in contact with foreign family and friends, or even to meet new people. As a future teacher I will have the opportunity to actualize myself with the new electronic tools that are going to appear, they will help me to improve as a teacher and as a speaker of L2.
Technology has had a huge advance during the last years in my life and it has been very useful and helpful for me in some aspects. Electronic tools have become an important resource by cause of the school. hey have been useful to communicate with my family and friends and also to develop my speaking, listening, grammar, and reading skills in the second language. I started just painting and playing in the computer, but nowadays the use of technology has brought me a lot of benefits like the improvement of English; also it will help me in the future to be a good teacher because I can be better prepared and go up with updatings related with education.

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