miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Death Penalty

Is death penalty a fair punishment? In Mexico delinquency has been increasing during the last years, for that reason people feel insecure when they go out to the streets. Mexico society has demanded immediate intervention of authorities, to prevent crime and punish criminals. Due to that, authorities have thought about the idea of applying death penalty to murderers, hijackers, thieves, etc, as in other countries. But death penalty is not a good punishment for some reasons.
It is not assured that, with Death Penalty delinquency will end. Criminals will not learn the lesson if Death Penalty is applied. According to the president of the College of Catholic Lawyers in Mexico, Armando Martinez, “Crime can be reduced through education and building a society in which the rule of law is respected”. And I support that idea, if people have education, they will respect the rules of the society.  “The death penalty is punishment upon punishment, that is, we would be falling into vengeance, and when will it end? If you kill a criminal, there will be a sense of hatred and vengeance and it will be a circle that never ends,” Martinez argued. That point is very important because it will become a string of murders. Capital punishment on Mexico cannot achieve anything if there is no education.
Another important point that makes me be against of  the Death Penalty is that there are some human rights that mention important aspects about life. If authorities apply Death penalty to criminals, they will be contradicting Human Rights; because, it means to violate an essential privilege, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” that is enshrined in “The universal declaration of Human Rights”. It would not be fair for any human being if authorities apply death penalty. Also death penalty means to deprive someone to live, and it is not fair because everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Those two civil liberties are the most important rights that mention essential aspects related to the right to live.
There are many people who think that be against Death penalty means defend criminals, but it is not correct. To be in opposition to that kind of punishment, it is not the same to protect offenders, it means to not act like one of them. If people support the idea about Death penalty, they will be doing the same as a criminal, because they want to kill. Death penalty will not eliminate violence. If authorities act applying Death Penalty they will not achieve anything. People do not have to combat violence with more violence; it becomes dangerous for the society. William Bowers of Northeastern University, maintain that the death penalty has the opposite effect: that is, society is brutalized by the use of the death penalty, and this increases the likelihood of more murder.  
As a conclusion, Death Penalty is not a good way to punish criminals. Authorities and society have to think how to stop delinquency, because it is increasing so fast. Mexico needs to do something to finish with the criminal behavior of the people. In my opinion it is necessary to increase the level of the education in Mexico, because it is the root of a lot of problems. As it was mentioned Death Penalty cannot solve delinquency problems. In addition if it is applied authorities would not respect human rights.

1 comentario:

  1. P1-…a good (MAYBE “FAIR” INSTEAD OF GOOD?) punishment? / increasing DURING the last years/ go out (to)?? the streets./intervention (of)?? Authorities
    P2- It is not (sure)ASSURED that,
    P3- …against (of) THE Death Penalty / liberty and security of person.(I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN HERE)/ aspects related (with)TO?? the right to live.
    P4- …kind of punishment, (it)(THE COMMA AND THE IT ARE NOT NEEDED) is…
    P5- …necessary to increase (THE) level (OF THE)education in Mexico,

    Hi Paula, your essay is very complete and you provide some good references about the topic. I would have liked that you had provided more information about how education can solve or help solve the problem though, otherwise your arguments are not very strong to convince someone who is in favor. Good work with cohesion and coherence. The prepositions I put in question marks are some that I am not sure if they are correct or if they need to be used in those cases, probably just double check them. Good work!
